What questions should you ask before signing up for NOC services

1. Where is the NOC situated, and who is in charge of it? Enquire specifically about the location of the NOC. It has been common practise among NOC providers supporting MSPs to hide the fact because the NOC is not located in the same geographic area as their...
Cloud Adoption or the Safety

Cloud Adoption or the Safety

On Transformational OR Safety-conscious Cloud Adoption As the cloud is becoming one of the most popular IT topics, it is important to study the differences between transformational and safety-conscious cloud adoption. The cloud has become one of the most popular...
Why Penetration testing is important?

Why Penetration testing is important?

Penetration testing (also known as pen testing or ethical hacking) is a security procedure that involves analyzing your computer system’s software for vulnerabilities and susceptibility to attacks such as hacking and cyber-attacks. Software faults, design...
Avoidable Mistakes While Choosing a Managed IT Services Provider

Avoidable Mistakes While Choosing a Managed IT Services Provider

Managed IT services companies have been used by an expanding number of businesses (MSPs). Without the need for an internal IT team, businesses may use an MSP to get the same amount of help as if they could have IT resources on staff, but at a significantly cheaper...