Network Defence As Service

by | Nov 29, 2022

To protect organisations from cyber threats, network defence management is important. Network Defence as a Service helps to identify, detect, and respond to threats to your network easily and effectively without needing any additional hardware, software, or people.

By using computer network defence methodologies and resources to address technological and functional customer-based problems, the BitSys Technologies network defence service works to protect your computer by deploying end-to-end protective measures.

Network defence is a cybersecurity strategy in which a set of protective mechanisms are layered to protect critical information and data. If one device fails, then the other steps up to neutralize an attack immediately. This multi-layered approach with deliberate redundancies strengthens a system’s protection as a whole and tackles several different vectors of attack. How we live, work and play have been revolutionised by the digital world. It’s a digital environment, though, which is constantly open to attack, and since there are so many potential perpetrators, we need to ensure that we have the right protections in place to avoid damaging systems and networks. Unfortunately, there is no single strategy that can defend against any single form of attack successfully. This is where a deep-architecture defence comes into play.

No company can ever remain completely protected by a single security layer. Where one door can be closed, others will be left wide open, and these vulnerabilities will be discovered very easily by hackers.

However, if you combine a variety of different protections, such as firewalls, malware scanners, intrusion detection systems, data encryption and integrity auditing solutions, you can effectively close the holes generated by relying on a specific protection solution.

Security vendors are constantly designing new security products to secure networks and systems, with an ever-growing environment of security threats to deal with.

Here are some of the most common security elements found in a strategy for Defence in Depth;

Regular Audit

Audit of network traffic is the first line of protection when defending a network. Firewalls prevent access to and from unauthorised networks and, based on a set of security rules, allow or block traffic. Intrusion defence systems also operate in combination with a firewall to detect and respond quickly to possible security threats.


To defend against viruses and malware, antivirus software is important. Many variants, however, often rely heavily on signature-based detection. Although these solutions provide strong protection against malicious software, intelligent cybercriminals can exploit signature-based products. For this purpose, an antivirus solution that contains perceptual features that search for suspicious patterns and behaviour is wise to use.

Penetration testing

A significant way to test the security systems of your company is penetration testing. Cybersecurity experts can use the same methods used by criminal hackers to search for possible weaknesses and areas of vulnerability during a Pen Test.

A pen test attempts to simulate the type of attack that criminal hackers may face from an organisation, including anything from password cracking and injection of code to phishing.


You could assume that a firewall is obsolete as hacking and cybercriminals become more advanced and defences become stronger. And while a firewall is possibly one of the most effective security tools, it remains one of the most basic.

The role is to block unauthorised access to your device.

A firewall tracks network traffic as well as link attempts, determining whether your network or device should be able to move freely through them. Of course, although they are helpful, they have restrictions.

Professional hackers have learned how to build information and programmes that trick firewalls into thinking they are trusted, which ensures that without any issues, the software will move through the firewall.

Firewalls are still very successful in detecting the vast majority of less sophisticated malicious attacks on your business, despite these limitations.

Application security

Applications are a protective vulnerability for many attackers that can be abused. Security of applications helps set security requirements for any application that could be important to the security of your network.


For the authentication of communication between secure networks and an endpoint computer, VPN tools are used. For authentication, remote-access VPNs usually use IPsec or Protected Sockets Layer (SSL), providing an encrypted line to block other parties from listening.

End-point Protection

The business world is gradually bringing your own device to the point that there is almost no difference between personal and business computing devices.

Unfortunately, as users rely on them to access business networks, personal devices often become targets. Endpoint protection provides a layer of defence between business networks and remote devices.


Every organisation needs to have a network defence service. Your organisation may be in any size ranging from small, mid or large. Everyone is vulnerable to attack recovering from a cyber-attack and may cost you more than to implement any security measures, so it is very much wise to deploy or contact a network defence service provider for a safer cause.

BitSys Technologies uses strategic cybersecurity programmes as a roadmap to reduce cyberspace hazards, challenges, and vulnerabilities. This is done by completely exploiting the innovation and imaginative thinking of the existing cyber workforce to apply, leverage, and govern the power of rapid technological changes.

Network defence is a cybersecurity strategy in which a set of protective mechanisms are layered to protect critical information and data. If one device fails, then the other steps up to neutralize an attack immediately.

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