Our Modern SOC-as-a-Service Solutions

by | Nov 27, 2022

Enforcing a SOC-as-a-Service offers an optimal solution to businesses to protect themselves from cyber threats. Today, businesses are continually targeted by cyberattacks. With malware, viruses, phishing, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that can be scattered across your network and computers, cybercriminals increasingly unleash new and more effective exploits. Since 2018, 93% of malware was discovered to be polymorphic, which implies it transforms to remain undetected. This means that you must always be on the defense.

One may presume their company is too small to be a threat. This isn’t, precisely the case. Firms of all sizes are at stake. Until recently, however, SMEs have overlooked the means to deploy the people, processes, and technology – the main elements needed for a fully functional SOC. Technology plays a secondary role when it comes to SOC services, unlike other areas of IT and security. That’s because the determining aspect is always the human touch. They need to be on high alert against compromising or stealing personal details, privileged data, and other sensitive data. Your data is in grave danger if you do not have the ideal talents and abilities to promptly identify and respond to such emerging threats. Just one blunder can have catastrophic impacts.

SOC-as-a-Service may add tremendous value that conventional outsourced security solutions couldn’t provide, even if it is to reinforce the expertise of in-house security staff, enhance detection and response activities, or a combination of these. SOC-as-a-Service typically includes more than merely tracking alerts or outsourcing the security activities. Depending on the requirements, it needs to provide a managed service, co-managed, or hybrid service respectively. SOC-as-a-Service should provide security monitoring, along with automatic responses to machine learning-based alerts. It should also include 24*7 guidance and support services from specialized security analysts who are able to tackle threats and scenarios outside the scope of automated response and recovery.

Teceze Modern SOC-as-a-Service offers the following – 

1. Interoperability of APIs with global cloud platforms to acquire in-depth knowledge of how they are used.

2. Endpoint and network security integration to monitor and reveal a pattern of activity from them.

3. Through our Managed SOC-as-a-Service, the security experts’ squad could very well implement and execute 24/7 real-time detection and incident response operations.

4. Having cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, the developers can adapt rapidly and be more innovative. However, if developers unintentionally develop new cloud-based threats, then the security teams wouldn’t always have the insight they need to see and understands what’s happening and react immediately.

5. A technology framework that evaluates and addresses your knowledge and skills in various effective manner.

6. Methodologies and tools, and expertise to provide you with policy frameworks that meet the standard security and compliance needs.

7. Integration and access to the evolving and latest threat intelligence feed.

8. Our modern SOC-as-a-Service solutions collaborate with AWS and Azure APIs to gather comprehensive data. This is to understand about your cloud infrastructure works or is being used and who is accessing it.

9. Greater visibility into your networks and infrastructure and therefore, eliminating false alarms. Basic security incidents do not require an immediate response. Say for instance: password changes failed logins, or failed access related to information systems, or administrative privilege use.

10. Using our modern SOC-as-a-Service solution, you will be provided with implementable assistance and guidance on what has to be done when cyberattacks are spotted, in addition to showing your team about what is happening in your cloud environment.

11. Teceze SOC-as-a-Service provides you with a clear strategy and a road map to enhance your IT security policies to resolve cybersecurity issues effectively and efficiently.

12. Our best approach to resolve this is by applying machine learning to baseline predicted behavior, combined with human analysis of high severity results. To identify irregularities more precisely and rapidly than making a person go through log files.

SOC as a Service manages and monitors your logs, devices, network, and assets for internal IT teams. It provides skills to combat cybersecurity threats and protects from cyber attack.

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