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The Costs of Relying on Obsolete and Ineffective Technology

by | Nov 24, 2022

Most IT companies offer comprehensive managed IT services. That doesn’t simply apply to routine maintenance; it also applies to support in the event that hardware breaks or software need to be replaced.

Many firms are plagued by IT troubles that have been continually reappearing. It’s possible that this is due to the fact that their current IT solutions aren’t meeting their needs. Sometimes it’s because they’re having trouble using old or out-of-date solutions.

Our services are suitable for customers who are currently experiencing difficulties with their old technology. We do a thorough analysis of your systems and processes in order to offer business solutions that are both excellent for you today and will be perfect for you in the future.

Working with outmoded technology increases a company’s costs, which aren’t always visible. We’ll go over the true expenses of old technology and how to prevent them in this article.

Why Do Companies Rely on Outdated Technology?

In many cases, businesses use older, obsolete technology because they haven’t taken the time to understand the hazards or don’t believe they have the time to do so before making a purchase. They may not be able to afford to buy new, innovative technologies outright in some circumstances. BitSys Technologies understands both issues; nevertheless, partnering with a technology vendor can help you gain access to:

  • A monthly flat-rate cost to support new, innovative technology must be installed, set up, and maintained on a regular basis.
  • Due to multiple partnerships with industry-leading manufacturers, a better price on the equipment needs to be upgraded.
  • A thorough examination of your environment to identify what is old or will soon become unsupported, as well as update recommendations.

What are the Consequences of Continuing to Use Outdated Technology?

Anything that is outdated and has a newer version accessible is considered legacy technology. While it can keep your company going, it is expensive in terms of productivity, security, and upkeep. Let’s look at a few examples of how outdated technology could be costing your company more than you think.

  1. Vulnerabilities and Security Issues

Out-of-date technology is more vulnerable to security breaches. A cyber-data breach to an attack on your digital assets and network are all possibilities. Your organization is also in danger of downtime due to security issues. If you work in a field that demands security compliance, it’s very impossible to achieve these standards using outdated technology and software.

Working with current technology, on the other hand, can help your firm become both compliant and resistant to cyber-attacks. If the worst happens and the organization is attacked, using modern technology makes it easier and faster to get back to business.

  1. Negative Consequences for Productivity

Most current systems have integrations, accessibility, and automation. Data is shared through integrations, working on the go is simple thanks to multi-device accessibility, and automation saves your team time by automating regular tasks. These features may demand an Internet upgrade to higher bandwidths, but they will result in more business efficiency than the present quo. How much money does the inefficiency cost your business?

Another big productivity cost is the tendency for aged technology to be slower and have a higher number of faults. Older programs can still have a lot of downtime even with regular maintenance. You don’t want your employees to be unable to work at their typical levels of productivity, or, in the worst-case situation, for your entire system to fail and all of your data to be lost.

Using pen and paper orders that must be delivered by hand to the relevant department wastes time. Don’t lose out on greater production by relying on obsolete technologies that are prone to failure.

  1. Failure of Equipment

This is far more typical in the case of older, out-of-date technologies. Motherboards, servers, hard drives, memory discs, and software all have a limited lifespan. It’s not supposed to work that way. If a piece of equipment dies, you’ll almost certainly lose all of the vital data saved on it. Fixing a broken piece of equipment is frequently complex and, in many situations, too expensive for the average business.

Aside from the risk of data loss, equipment failure leaves your employees with nothing to do for hours, if not days, while you figure out how to fix it or replace it with something more efficient. Your customers are unlikely to be pleased if you tell them why their deadlines are being missed.

  1. Costs are Rising

The cost of IT support to keep outmoded technology running might be significant. Older software, phone systems, and computers do not receive manufacturer upgrades, and as a result, they experience difficulties. If there’s a problem, you’ll have to pay a professional for repairs and any necessary data recovery. It’s also not always viable to recover data following a system breakdown.

Don’t put your company in a situation where it’s at risk of failing. Newer technology requires less maintenance and upkeep, giving your IT staff more time to focus on other responsibilities. You’ll have more money to spend elsewhere if you outsource IT assistance through managed services.

  1. Compatibility and Environmental Effects

Compatibility concerns can arise if you rely on older technology. When you try to use modern technology with an older system, something happens. It might be tough to get the two to cooperate well. Furthermore, you will be unable to fully utilize new technologies, reducing your company’s competitive advantage.

Companies that opt to rely on old technologies become less energy-efficient and instead expand their environmental impact in these days of environmental concern about sustainability. Consuming too much energy and/or resources can make your company seem bad, and the higher energy required to run legacy systems will raise your costs.

How Frequently Should Technology Be Updated?

Here are some suggestions for how often you should refresh and refresh your technology:

  • Servers: Servers should be updated every 4-5 years, according to specialists.
  • Desktop, PCs should be replaced every five years or so.
  • Operating systems: When the provider indicates an update is available, these should be updated as soon as practicable. Everyone in the organization should keep their gadgets up-to-date as well.
  • Laptop computers should be changed every three to four years.

As you can see, relying on outdated technology is detrimental to your business. Making the switch to more modern processes and technology, on the other hand, might have significant long-term benefits for the organization. Making the change to upgrade legacy technology at all levels is well worth the expense.

BitSys Technologies offers comprehensive managed IT services. That doesn’t simply apply to routine maintenance; it also applies to support in the event that hardware breaks or software need to be replaced. Many firms are plagued by IT troubles that have been continually reappearing. The Costs of Relying on Obsolete and Ineffective Technology


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