7 Different Types of Cyber Security Threats

by | Jan 18, 2020

Cyber security experts should be well-versed in the following kinds of cyber security threats.

1. Viruses

Malware, which covers keyloggers, ransomware, infections, and bugs, is defined as malicious software. Malware is started when a people click on a phishing email or file, which results in dangerous software getting installed. According to Cisco, once activated, malware can:

  1. Access to critical network components is limited (ransomware)
  2. Install additional malicious programs
  3. Receive information secretly by sending data from the hard drive (spyware)
  4. Disrupt individual components, rendering the system inoperable.

2. Emotet

Emotet is identified by the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as “a powerful, modular banking Trojan that mainly serves as a downloader or drop of other banking Trojans.” Emotet remains among the most costly and damaging viruses”.

3. Denial of service

A denial of service (DoS) assault is a sort of cyber-attack that overloads a computer or network, making it unable to respond to requests. A dispersed denial of service (DDoS) attack does the same way, except the attack starts on a network connection. A flood attack is frequently used by cyber attackers to disrupt the “connection” process and pull out such a DoS. Several methods may be utilised, and some cyber attackers may leverage the downtime of a network to launch further assaults. A network is a type of DDoS in which millions of devices may be infected with malware, according to Jeff Melnick of Netwrix, an information technology security software company. and controlled by a hacker. Botnets, also known as zombie systems, attack and overwhelm a target’s processing capacity.

4. Man-in-the-Middle

When hackers insert themselves into a two-party exchange, this is known as a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. According to Cisco, after obstructing traffic, they can filter and steal data. MITM attacks are common when a visitor joins to an unsecured public Wi-Fi network. Attackers place a barrier between the visitor and the network before installing malware and stealing data.

5. Scamming

Phishing attacks utilize faked information, such as an email, to trick the recipient into opening it and implementing the instructions contained inside, such as providing a credit card number. The purpose, according to Cisco, is to “steal sensitive data such as credit card and login details or put malware on the victim’s PC”.

6. SQL Injection

Structured Query Language (SQL) injection is a sort of Cyber-Attack that involves inserting malicious code into a server. If a server is hacked, then information is leaked. It may be as simple as entering the malicious software into a susceptible website in the search field.

7. Password Cracking

With the correct password, a cyber attacker can get access to a wide range of data. According to Data Insider, ethical hacking is “a cyber attackers’ approach that relies mostly on human company and frequently entails luring individuals into violating basic security rules.” Password attacks can also include accessing a password database or guessing a password.

How to protect your company from cyber-attack

  1. Train your employee(s)
  2. Maintain your Software & Systems up-to-date
  3. Ensure Endpoint Security
  4. Set up a Firewall
  5. Your data should be backed up
  6. You should be able to regulate who really has access to systems
  7. Administration of Access

When it comes to protecting your organisation against cybercrime and cyber-attacks, it can be tough to know where to start. There’s so much information out there that it’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially if it’s conflicting.

You require a solution that is suitable both for your business and your staff. Get in touch with us immediately for a free cyber security assessment. We can assist you in getting going on your path to security.

When it comes to protecting your organisation against cybercrime and cyber-attacks, it can be tough to know where to start. There’s so much information out there that it’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially if it’s conflicting.

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